Spiritual Tools For Everyday Life

Finding the quiet time you require to connect and concentrate might often feel like a lot of planning and work. Sometimes it might be difficult to fit everything into your day, and you end up falling off the “spiritual wagon.”

What if I was able maintain my practice’s growth, fit it into my schedule, and enjoy it at the same time, would I restart my practice?

I was encouraged by that idea, so I began enhancing my spiritual practice with entertaining and healing techniques. I was seeking a way that would help me practice greater self-care and insight while still being useful and sacred.

I discovered some tools along my path you may use to incorporate into your schedule so that you don’t have to set aside time for your spiritual practice, but can instead make it a part of your everyday life. These can be completed before night or right after brushing your teeth in the morning.

Spiritual Resources: Include spiritual activities in your everyday routine.

1. “Smudging” has the power to instantly carry you from your head to your heart.

Sage is what I use for smudging, and the aroma instantly relaxes me and soothes all tensions.

A common tool in spiritual and healing work is smudging. It has been utilized in both ancient and contemporary times to clear the auric field of unwanted energies and blockages. Additionally, it aids in letting go of established habits that are no longer beneficial.

In the modern era, smudging can be used to unwind after a hard day at work or to ground you if you were out and about with lots of people the night before. Without truly understanding why, we can absorb energy that does not belong to us from other individuals and this can influence our moods.

You should consider smudging to be a special moment for you. Choose a peaceful area, light a candle, turn on some relaxing music, say a prayer and burn your sage.

You can stand and starting at the top of your head circle the smoke around your head, neck, throat, chest, arms, fingers, stomach, legs, and all the way down to your feet. As best you can, try to get behind yourself. I pass the sage wand around by body from hand to hand to circle the smoke around me. 

Close your eyes and sit down to experience the difference in your energy and mood.

2. Try taking a ritual bath rather than a shower.

I absolutely love ritual baths. This experience can be had in any weather. Bringing in new flowers, salts, herbs, and of course your energy. You can design a ritual bath to call in anything you need for yourself, including healing, more self-care, more vitality, more love, and more relaxation.

The bath routine includes lighting some candles, lowering the lights, and filling the bath with warm to hot water.

Take a big breath in, think about the stress and anxiety you want to let go of from your day, grab a handful of pink rock salt, and blow that energy into the salts in your hand. After that, add the salt to the bath.

Next, take a handful of petals from either fresh or dried flowers and consider what you would like to bring forward for yourself, such as abundance, peace of mind, or silence.

Breathe deeply, gather all that energy inside of you, and then blow the flowers over the bath as you watch them dance and hit the water.

Say a prayer for yourself or someone else over the water before you get in the bath, once you are in cover yourself completely in the water. Feel the water on every part of your body, including your face. Imagine receiving all you have asked for as you soak for roughly 20 minutes.

3. Breath Work! Since we must breathe continuously throughout the day, you can do this whether waiting in line, driving, or taking a shower.

One of the most effective healing techniques I’ve ever discovered is breathing. Knowing different ways to use my breath to alter my energy, my attitude, and my entire vibration gave me the power to be in charge of my life.

Taking deep breaths can aid with confidence, focus, and clarity.

  1. Shut your eyes. If noise is distracting, insert your index fingers into both ears.
  2. Take a deep breath in through your nose for the count of 4.
  3. Hold your breath for the count of 7.
  4. Until your breath is gone, exhale slowly to the count of 8.
  5. Repeat as many times as needed by try not to do more than four times. Twice is usually enough for me.
  6. Take your fingers off, keep your eyes closed, and bend over with your hands at your knees.
  7. Remain motionless and with your eyes closed for a further two minutes.

4. Energy is the basis of all life.

You may start to change how you feel, get rid of blockages in your way, and call in the energy your body requires to heal when you learn how to deal with your energy.

I close my eyes when working with my energy so that I experience it as if it were happening right now. When I first started working with energy in this way, this was quite powerful for me.

Are you willing to try energy shifting? You can do this right before bed.

  1. Lie down in a comfortable spot and cover your body.
  2. Put your right hand on the left hip and left the hand on the right shoulder. Take three long deep breathe in through the mouth and exhale through the nose.
  3. Put your right hand on your left hip and the left hand over your throat and take three long deep breathe in throw the mouth and exhale through the nose.
  4. Put your right hand on the right hip and the left hand on the left shoulder and breathe as above instructions. Then the right hand on your right hip and left hand over your throat.
  5. Bring both hands to your side and start breathing in and out through your nose faster than average for 2 minutes.

I truly hope that you may effortlessly and comfortably adopt these spiritual routines into your daily life.

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