What is the higher self? Are we nothing more than a body with a personality? We are, in my opinion, far more than that. Every single one of us have a higher aspect. This higher element is called The Higher Self. Others also refer to it as the Oversoul or Overself.
What is the Higher Self and who is it? The knowledge and wisdom portion of our own self is our Higher Self. Ironically, unlike our individuality, the Higher Self is impersonal and without a “feeling of self.” Nonetheless, it acts as a compass for the personality or ego.
Is it possible to communicate with this enigmatic higher self? Yes, and it’s usually accomplished through meditation or other forms of altered awareness.
I’ll tell you a little bit about myself. I realized around ten years ago that if I ponder deeply about a spiritual topic, I will occasionally receive visions that seek to answer my questions. The visions are mostly metaphorical. The higher self will communicate by impulsing symbols and visions into my awareness that create messages.
Here’s an example of one of these transmissions:
I was thinking about the nature of the reincarnation cycle a few years back. Will lost souls be trapped in the lower realm forever? (According to many Eastern beliefs, beings who have not gained enlightenment will be trapped in a vicious loop of eternal birth and rebirth.) I received a transmission from outside my conscious consciousness out of nowhere. It arrived in the form of a ‘download,’ a flurry of images, symbols, and moods. Impressions form in a fraction of a second.
The download appeared to be received by my brain’s right hemisphere. Before I lost it, my brain immediately tried to decipher the transmission. How do I know that wasn’t all in my head? To begin with, I don’t think in pictures. Languages are how I think. Second, the conveyed visuals were causing my consciousness to ‘dual-split.’ That is, the images are overlaying my visual impression of the area around me at the same time. Well, a ‘dual-split’ in awareness is not how my mind normally operates!
A pale blue background served as the backdrop for the animated image. There were lighter-colored rings or bands moving towards a central point. I believe I may have lost some critical information due to the speed of the transmission. Anyway, here’s my take on it. Please note that this interpretation was made by my physical brain.
As a result, I can never be certain that my interpretation is correct:
“Within my view of the scheme of things, the transmission is striving to fix faults or rather incompleteness.” The reincarnation cycle isn’t supposed to go on forever. “At some point, everything will return to the Source or essence.”
That communication took place a long time ago. Since then, my grasp of the situation has improved. However, at the moment, the broadcast was appropriate (given my level of knowledge).
These vision transmissions from Higher Self, together with the instruction of enlightened physical instructors, have considerably aided my understanding of the mechanics of consciousness and the cosmos over the years.