Tarot cards do not require psychic abilities. However, you must be in touch with your intuition. Our intuitions are our innate ability to notice things in the environment around us instinctively. Our cognitive talents have nothing to do with intuition. We have a gut feeling about something regardless of the circumstances. When everything looks to be in order, intuition tells us something is wrong. For example, we may meet someone who appears to be beautiful to everyone, yet we still have the feeling that something is wrong with them. We may not be able to pinpoint the problem, but we know something isn’t quite right. Our instincts are warning us. What happens in a situation like this is that, while we may appear nice on the outside, we are guarded on the inside due to a gut sense.
It’s a little different now to be psychic. A psychic ability is one in which one’s perceptions extend beyond the regular range. It is regarded as a gift in some ways. People that are labeled “psychic” may have a variety of abilities. Being able to see things outside the scope of normal eyesight is one of the ways this psychic gift might appear. Some people have the ability to hear beyond their regular hearing range, and others may channel into the spiritual realm. These aren’t the only methods to be psychic; rather, they’re some of the most visible ones. Psychics, like intuition, can use their gift instinctively without having to think about it.
To be a good reader, you don’t have to be psychic, but you need be aware of your intuition. The more we rely on our intuition to read the tarot, the more powerful it gets. It’s the same as anything else. The more you do anything, like in this case using your intuition, the better you get at it. Tarot cards are instruments for focusing our intuitive abilities. We also utilize our intuition to concentrate on the individual being read in order to gain a clear picture of what is going on in their lives.
Some people are intuitive and even psychic by nature, while others must work a little harder to acquire a feel of what’s going on. Tarot cards are not “magic” in and of themselves when purchased in a box. The reader’s energy is transferred into the cards, making them useful to the reader. The magic is created by a person’s relationship to the symbolism in the cards. In regard to the card, it is the symbolism that opens the person’s intuition. This is because each picture evokes a reaction in the viewer, which is then interpreted and applied to a reading based on the viewer’s reaction.