Could our auras really be sending us messages? Do you ever feel uneasy when you’re in a busy place? Do you ever feel as if your personal space is being invaded? Some people can only get close to you so much. This is a response brought on by your aura. It’s possible that your aura is being invaded by someone else’s.
No two auras are exactly the same
You may feel uneasy in the presence of a particular person at times. When you walk into a room, you get the feeling that something isn’t quite right. A substantial electro-magnetic field surrounds the human aura. We emit electrical energy while absorbing magnetic energy. In a room full of people, where diverse energies, both positive and negative, are being exchanged, you can sense this energetic force.
Our energies, whether powerful or weak, fair or otherwise, light and bright or drab and dense, are all reflected in our aura. It’s a band of energy that encircles us, a life energy that can be felt by all living things, including plants, trees, animals, birds, and people.
There are seven layers to the aura, but the first three layers around the human body are the most visible to human vision. Auras can be seen with the eyes open or closed, and they can also be perceived psychically.
The Seven Layers of the Aura Broken Down
Okay, so this is it. Enjoy this description of the auras layers!
The Etheric Layer
The layer that some therapists can see during treatment is this one since it is the one nearest to the physical body. It appears as a faint grey or violet mist that is two to four inches away from the corporeal body. The base chakra is linked to this stratum.
The Emotional Layer
This layer extends one to three inches and is located right outside the etheric body. All of our emotions, feelings, and sensitivity, such as happiness, grief, love, and hatred, are stored in this layer, which is connected to the sacral chakra.
The Mental Layer
This layer, which extends three to eight inches from the physical body, is located directly outside the emotional body. All of our mental thought processes, including rules, regulations, judgment, and discipline, are located in this layer, which is connected to the solar plexus chakra. Yellow is typically used to represent this layer.
The Astral Layer
This stratum has a one-foot maximum depth. It serves as a link between the higher spiritual vibrations and the lower vibrations of the physical realm. This layer is linked to the heart chakra and is symbolized by the lovely rainbow color.
The Etheric Template
This stratum reaches roughly two feet out. This layer, which connects to the throat chakra, resembles the negative of a photograph and represents the physical body’s blueprint.
The Celestial/Causal Layer
This layer has a maximum depth of 2.5 feet. This is where your spiritual connection and the process of enlightenment start, and it is connected to the third eye chakra.
The Spiritual Layer
Up to three feet can be covered by this layer. It vibrates at the highest frequency, is connected to the crown chakra, guards all the lower layers, and is frequently perceived as a brilliant white or golden light.
Each layer of your aura is said to be represented by a different color. Read all about the auras colors in this article: Meanings of Aura Colors