Aligning With The Moon Cycle

Aligning With The Moon Cycle

Humans have relied on the moon and its cycles for guidance for thousands of years. Every cycle has four primary moon phases, which you can utilize to guide you and practice self-care using this knowledge.

The New Moon occurs at the start of each lunar month. This is the season of fresh starts. Set new goals and intentions throughout this phase. This is an excellent moment to start a new endeavor.

The Waning Phase is the second stage of the process. During the lunar cycle, this is the time when the moon is growing. This is where you can begin to gain traction in your actions.

The Waning Phase follows. This period can be a regenerative one. It allows you to begin integrating the new lessons and experiences you’ve gained into your psyche.

Finally, the Dark Moon phase arrives. This cycle occurs in the days leading up to the New Moon. As you prepare for the upcoming New Moon, this is a good time to rest and ponder.

I hope you find this straightforward explanation of the moon’s phases useful. When it boils down to it, we are all interconnected and part of the cosmos. We can acquire greater vibrations and degrees of awareness in ourselves and others by acknowledging this reality and working to align ourselves with the Universe’s inherent cycles.

We all experience waxing and waning energy levels and moods as we progress through this roughly 28-day cycle. The moon has a distinct and individualized effect on everyone of us and rules over our emotions and instincts. There is both a social and an individual experience of the moon. This is because we all progress through the cycle at the same rate and go through the same phases globally.

Let’s look at how you may use each phase to care for yourself and establish a supportive, rhythmic self-care routine!

New Moon Cycle

A new moon cycle begins with the new moon (gee, go figure.) When the moon is entirely hidden from view, this occurs. The new moon actually occurs at a specific time each month. This happens when the sun and moon are exactly lined up together from our perspective here on earth. However, in terms of magic, we typically think of the new moon energy as lasting roughly three days.

The theme of the new moon is fresh starts. It presents an opportunity for a new beginning in a project or relationship, a new angle on a predicament, or a new course in life. That we have a new beginning each month is a thought that is incredibly encouraging.

Setting intentions for what you desire to produce, receive, manifest, or experience over the upcoming moon cycle is best done at this time. Prior to setting any concrete goals for your intended course of action, you should make sure that your heart’s desire and intuition are completely in alignment with one another. This energy of a new beginning can simply be used into a ritual to set your intentions in stone.

New Moon Ritual for Setting Intentions

You’ll need these things for this ritual:

  • Pen and paper
  • Sage, cedar smoke, or a purifying mist
  • Using headphones and relaxing music (optional)
  • tealight candle or birthday candle white

Let’s clean and sanitize your precious area before you settle in. (Yes, any location may be made into a sacred area.) If you’re using a smoke bundle, ignite it with a match or a lighter. Then put out the flame so the smoke gently billows. Over your body and into each room corner, wave the smoke.

Alternately, you might spritz a cleaning solution all over the area and on yourself. You may focus on becoming present and emptying your mind. You could say something like, “I cleanse this place of negative energy,” out loud or in your brain.

Take a seat comfortably and put on your headphones, if you’re wearing them, when the area feels spacious and open. Inhale deeply to purify yourself, then exhale through your mouth. Allow your eyes to close as you center yourself.

Start to imagine yourself living your life a few weeks from now in your mind’s eye. What goals do you have for this marginally improved version of yourself? What have been doing over the past few weeks to look after themselves better and more nourishingly?

Open your eyes when you’re ready, and then jot down all the ideas and thoughts that came to you. Pick one or two items from the list to concentrate your intention on. On a separate piece of paper, make your intention and light the white candle. Repeat as necessary while reading it out loud or to yourself.

When the candle is completely out, stay in this space and send your intention out into the universe. (Do not leave it burning unattended – if you really need to walk away, do extinguish it first.) Post the completed paper with your intention on it somewhere you’ll see it every day, such on your bedside or bathroom mirror.

Waxing Moon Cycle

When the moon is waxing, it appears to be getting bigger and bigger in the sky. Giving or taking a few days, this is the entire time between the new and full moons, which is roughly two weeks.

We can actually divide the four fundamental steps into smaller, more intricate ones, as I just mentioned. The waxing moon phase is really composed of three different moon phases: the waxing crescent moon (when it is a thin sliver), the first quarter moon (when it is a half circle), and the waxing gibbous moon (when it has a somewhat bumpy form just before it is full). Even if there are a few minor differences between these several phases, the waxing moon’s energy is primarily focused on taking initiative.

Whereas at the new moon we developed plans of action to take and set goals, now we are really putting those plans into practice to help you create what you want.

Make a resolution to eat better during the new moon? You can start stocking up on vegetables during the waxing moon or prepare your sandwiches.

Make a conscious effort to unplug from work more frequently? You might disable your notifications or install an app blocker in the evenings while the moon is waxing.

Anytime during this phase, you could perform a ritual to honor the waxing moon. A ceremony isn’t usually required here, either, as the waxing moon is basically just about living your life and taking conscious action.

Full Moon Cycle

The moon cycle comes to an end with the full moon. This is the moon’s most bright, adored, and magical phase, when it is fully lighted in the sky.

Similar to the new moon, the full moon occurs at a specific time each month when the sun and moon are perfectly opposite one another from our perspective here on Earth. However, we view the full moon energy as lasting roughly three days for magical reasons.

It is a lovely time to do rituals for healing, love, or self-care during this lunar cycle’s most traditional ceremonial phase. It’s all about celebration and amplification during the full moon. This is a pretty crucial aspect of self-care that I believe many of us tend to overlook. You may be fairly excellent at making plans, following through with them, and even working on letting go of things you no longer want.

But if we don’t take a moment in between to consider what we’ve achieved or received and to enjoy all of our victories, large or small, it can be difficult to understand how far we have actually gone. We frequently believe that we have accomplished less than we actually have, but when we take the time to count our blessings and victories, the list is endless! We have a built-in opportunity during the full moon to ensure that we are reflecting, acknowledging our successes, and expressing thanks.

(You’ll frequently hear people say that the full moon is a time for release, but there is a crucial distinction to be made: the full moon can be a great phase to let go of expectations, outcomes, or control over your intentions in order to fully surrender and trust the universe, but it’s not the phase to let go of things you no longer want.)

Full Moon Ritual of Gratitude

You’ll need these things for this ritual:

  • Candles
  • Your preferred crystals, oils, or other magical self-care items
  • Pen and paper
  • An iced tea or wine glass

I suggest performing this practice in bed, the bath, or wherever you feel most at ease. Picking a peaceful, tranquil location is a good option because full moons frequently cause a lot of emotions and energy to be released. Start by performing the cleansing ritual I mentioned in the new moon part to get rid of any bad energy.

In the area surrounding your holy space, arrange your crystals, candles, and any other items you’re employing. Increase the coziness! Sip your beverage of choice, settle in, and take a moment to simply be present in this moment and place.

When you’re ready, take out paper and a pen and start by reflecting on the last two weeks (since the new moon). Start keeping track of every success you have during that time, no matter how big or tiny or ordinary they may seem. Then go back even further in your mind. Where were you and what were you doing six months ago? What has since evolved and changed? What about this period do you feel grateful for?

When you’re finished, read through your list again and give thought to all the joy, wisdom, benefits, and experiences that have recently entered your life. Close your eyes and take a moment to sincerely rejoice in these victories.

Waning Moon Cycle

The cycle of the moon when it appears to be getting smaller and smaller in the sky is known as the waning moon. Giving or taking a few days, this spans the entire time between the full and new moons, which is roughly two weeks.

Similar to the waxing moon, the waning moon can be divided into several smaller phases: the waning gibbous moon, which is the slightly lumpy phase that follows the full phase, the last quarter moon, which occurs when the moon is once more a half-circle, and the waning crescent moon, which occurs just before the new moon.

The dark moon, which occurs in the final day or two before the new moon, is even used by certain witches in their work. Although there are a few minor differences between these several phases, the waning moon’s energy is primarily focused on letting go and releasing.

The things that are no longer serving your highest good—ideas, routines, behaviors, circumstances, and even people—should be released at this time. The waning moon phase, when we are really focused on our own needs and deepest thoughts and feelings, can be regarded of as the pinnacle of self-care.

You could do a waning moon ceremony at any point throughout these two weeks, similar to the waxing moon period. If we aren’t conscious, negative energy can stagnate and stick around. Waning moon rituals can be strong catalysts for healing and letting go of that energy.

The different moon phases provide us with such lovely, peaceful methods to be in harmony with both our personal energy and the universal energy. I would recommend you to look into working with the moon phases if you’ve ever puzzled why your energy levels seem to fluctuate without rhyme or reason. Start by simply being aware of the moon’s phase each morning. Then over time, start to pay attention to how you feel, how you feel energetic, and how you sleep during each phase.

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