Empedocles, a fifth-century B.C. Greek philosopher, scientist, and healer, thought that all substance is made up of four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. Earth and water turn inward and downward, whereas fire and air are externally reaching elements, reaching up and out.
The idea that these four elements – earth, water, air, and fire – made up all matter was the cornerstone of philosophy, science, and medicine for two thousand years.
The four elements are also used to explain the four distinct personality types associated with each zodiac sign.
The components have a significant impact on basic personality traits, behavior, emotions, thinking, and intuition. Our relationships, our objectives (or lack thereof), and the unforeseen turns and twists that bring flavor to our life all reflect them.
Astrology aims to assist us in better focusing our energies, identifying our positive characteristics, and dealing with our negative ones. This knowledge can help us reach our maximum potential and live our best lives. We all require air to breathe, water to cleanse us and sustain our growth, fire to keep us warm and nourish us, and earth to share with all living creatures and grow our food.
All of the four elements are equally significant, and a more detailed discussion of each can be found below.
Astrology: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo
Tarot: Pentacles
Jung: Sensation
Feel the earth that supports all sorts of life beneath our feet. Consider the power and beauty of the mountains, which are a representation of the earth’s stability and firmness. Every day, we interact with the physical world by walking on our planet, admiring Mother Earth’s beauty and wealth, and feeling the security of being on solid ground.
Earth, which is associated with the signs Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo, represents the practical, pragmatic material part of our character, and it strives to establish a stable, secure, and structured environment in which we may function. As you walk gently, feel the soil beneath your feet, firm and sturdy. Earth is a tolerant and dependable companion. It’s sturdy and reliable. Being on firm ground motivates you to look for the most practical and logical solution to a situation.
In a relationship, Earth can act as a stabilizing force, providing structure and organization in order to establish balance and harmony. Watch plant life grow from an acorn to an oak tree, much as humans grow from youth to maturity, realizing the enormous expansion in every aspect of life.
This element’s excess manifests as a stubborn and rigid personality, one who seeks to stay in their comfort zone in life and is unwilling to take risks. A love of the material side of life, the comforts of material well-being, can also be seen. Material value can be exaggerated, resulting in a stressful and worrying scenario.
Attachment, stinginess, consumerism, resistance to change, over-attention to detail, and missing the big picture are all weaknesses.
Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Tarot: Swords
Jung: Thinking
The signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are connected with the element Air. It is attempting to establish itself in the intellectual arena. We come up with ideas through the act of thinking. We learn to communicate as a result of this element’s effect. Also, we gain and spread knowledge through air.
The element of air contributes to the personality’s imagination, uniqueness, and adaptability. It provides a sense of independence and unattachment, as well as reaching out to the mental self. Allow yourself to be refreshed by the calm air, to let your thoughts run freely, and to foster the creative moment. Without air, there would be a loss of vision and human connection, as well as the ability to intellectualize, understand diversity in individuals, and accept other opinions.
Our lives are constantly influenced by our thoughts. It is linked to meditation, in which deep breathing is required to achieve a state of silence, vitality, and relaxation. Transport, aviation, and sailing are all done by air. Allow your mind to soar in order to achieve your intellectual goals.
An overabundance of air’s impact might be compared to living in a fantasy world with unrealistic objectives and fantasies. Air should strive for consistency and practicality in dealing with the real world.
Lack of feeling, despair, a lack of connection with the higher self, and an overactive mind that prevents inner peace and harmony are all examples of this element’s flaws.
Astrology: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries
Tarot: Wands
Jung: Intuition
The fire element is related with the signs Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries. It reflects the vitality that burns within us. This element embodies self-expression, creativity, bravery, and zeal. When you come in from the cold, feel the comforting warmth of a fire or heat.
To meet the basic demand of cooking our food, we require fire. Fire gives people a sense of safety, warmth, and inspiration that they can share with others. Fire boosts self-assurance, allowing you to take on issues head-on. There is no brilliance, conviction, or expression without fire. A spark can rekindle new ideas and act as a beacon for achieving goals with conviction and zeal.
Excessive fire can transform assertiveness into aggression, boldness into risky action, and so on. When a fire’s influence becomes uncontrollable, it attempts to consume everything in its path.
Weaknesses include boredom, egotism, excessive self-centeredness, and a sense of self-importance.
Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Tarot: Cups
Jung: Feelings/Emotion
The element Water is linked to the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, and it has an impact on our consciousness and subconscious energies.
Water is a substance that spills out to others. It enables one to empathize with another’s suffering and express genuine compassion.
Psychic awareness can also be found in the water signs, which manifests itself with astounding accuracy from time to time. Water tries to cure and nourish all who come into contact with it. When emotions are uncontrolled, they can take a tumultuous route, resulting in moodiness and unpredictable highs and lows, similar to the crest and trough of a wave.
Water signs require peace and serenity, much like a gently flowing river that nurtures everyone in its course while also leading to the discovery of new paths. When one is too emotional, intensely sensitive, and subjective, one may become unduly emotional, sensitive, and subjective. Too much emotion might lead to depression.
Being overly protective and possessive of their loved ones can lead to weakness, as well as a chilly attitude and a lack of motivation.
Symbolism of the Four Elements
Is Spirit the fifth element? Spirit does not share the same set of symbols as the four physical elements because it is not a physical element. Although these associations are much less common than those from the four elements, it may be associated to tools, planets, and other objects in diverse systems.
Spirit has many different names. The most common are spirit, aether, ether, and quintessence (Latin for “fifth element”).
Spirit does not really have a universal symbol. However circles are commonly used. Sometimes, spirals and wheels with eight spokes are used to symbolize spirit.
According to cosmological theories, the spirit is the substance that serve as a bridge between the celestial and physical worlds and connects them. In the microcosm, it also acts as a bridge connecting the soul and body.