Every single one of us can tap into our intuition. Today’s world might be daunting! Every year, it appears that society is becoming increasingly centered on technology, displays, and stress. It’s all too easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to the flawlessly groomed lifestyles we see on social media or to become overwhelmed by the never-ending 24-hour news cycle. It’s no surprise that we frequently find ourselves engaged in anxiety, fear, and stress cycles.
Fortunately, we are all born with the ability to use a tool that can assist us in overcoming today’s current challenges. A tool that can assist us in staying on the right track throughout our lives. It is the one actual superpower we possess, an ancient wisdom buried deep within each of us. It’s your intuition I’m talking about!
“The ability to understand something quickly, without the need for conscious reasoning,” according to the definition of intuition. To put it another way, it’s the process of bridging the gap between our conscious and unconscious thoughts. Have you ever had an unexplained gut sensation that intuitively told you if anything you were doing was right or wrong? That was your gut telling you something. Consider how different your life would be if you could tap into your inner guiding system anytime you needed it. That sounds incredible, doesn’t it? Who wouldn’t want more of something like that?
Listening to and believing your inner voice is a wonderful thing in and of itself, but trying to cultivate it may make it much more powerful. Every one of us possesses the holy power to develop and deepen our intuition. The more we utilize it, the more it will be able to grow and change. Consider your intuition like a muscle that has to be exercised and fed in order to grow.
Let’s have a look at the 12 most effective strategies to discover and develop your intuition
Meditate to strengthen your intuition
If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past five years, you are aware that you should be meditating. Everywhere we go, we hear about it! We’re all aware that we should meditate more. Let’s look at mediation through the lens of how it might help us develop and tune into our intuition.
For the most part, intuition speaks in hushed tones. It can be difficult to hear that little voice if our brains are preoccupied with the stresses of daily life. Meditation is an excellent approach to calm the mind, silence the internal monologue, and allow our intuition to shine. Try this simple meditation to help you tune in to your inner spirit and listen to it!
- Begin by setting a timer for 10 minutes.
- Sit in a pleasant and comfortable location.
- Keep your eyes closed and your mouth shut.
- Listen to and feel your breath without trying to change it (truly pay attention to it).
- All you have to do now is pay attention to your breathing. Any sensations that arise should be noted. Simply BE PRESENT.
- If your mind wanders, simply return your attention to your breathing.
When your timer beeps, softly open your eyes and jot down any essential thoughts, messages, feelings, or insights you had during your meditation.
Our cognitive brain is in charge throughout our waking hours. It overrides our subconscious mind through logic and reasoning. The conscious mind, on the other hand, rests during sleep, allowing our inner subconscious to show through. Listening to our inner consciousness can teach us a lot about how to overcome troubles or problems.
Keeping a dream journal is a good idea. Keep a notebook and pen next to your bed and attempt to write down all you remember about your dreams as soon as you wake up. Dreams begin to vanish from memory as soon as you wake up, so make sure you write them down in your dream notebook before doing anything else. This, like most things, takes practice, and you’ll grow better at understanding and recording your dreams with time. You’ll notice trends and instances where your inner consciousness is attempting to assist you in solving problems or directing you in the proper route.
Visualize yourself remembering your dreams before going to bed. Imagine waking up and writing down your dreams in a journal. Keep this thought in your mind while you go off to sleep. This will help you remember the exercise and make it easier the next morning.
More Nature
Getting away from technology and spending time in nature is one of the most effective ways to calm the mind. Nature provides a wonderful opportunity for us to reconnect with our ancestral selves and our celestial intuition. Our forefathers relied on their intuition for everything, and this is where we come from. Intuition was one of the most crucial components of existence for locating food, avoiding predators, and finding the proper way. When we immerse ourselves in the beauty of nature, we have the opportunity to step into another world, one where intuition reigns supreme.
Make an effort to be inventive
Try something new! Anything that stimulates your creative mind should be painted, drawn, built, or sketched. Our inner voice is loud and unafraid to speak up while we are young. As we grow older, our inner voice is stifled by duties and life’s stresses. Re-igniting those pathways and amplifying our intuitions can be as simple as tapping into this creative portion of our brain.
Become aware of all of your senses to tap into your intuition
Any of your five senses can help you tap into your intuition. It may manifest as an odd or loving physical sensation within your body, or as a thought that appears out of nowhere. It could be triggered by a certain odor or even flavor. Begin to pay attention to and notice all of your senses. When was the last time you focused on your breathing, your sense of smell, or your sense of taste? Stopping to smell the roses is a phrase we’ve all heard, but it may truly help you improve your intuition. The more you practice tuning in to these sensations, the more your “sixth sense” will develop.
Test your hunches
Testing your hunches is a solid approach to improve your intuition. Keep a journal and jot down every time you have a hunch while going about your everyday routine. Make a note of when that small voice speaks up, so you can record and observe how these hunches play out. It could be as simple as seeing the weather forecast for tomorrow calling for rain, but you know it will be bright. If a friend’s spouse gives you the creeps, put down your thoughts and watch what happens. Follow your intuition and see what you can learn about it.
Change up your daily schedule
The conscious brain craves order and routine, yet the more structured your life becomes, the more your inner voice is suppressed. It’s extremely difficult to hear that little voice while the mind is racing. Changing things around can confuse your cognitive brain and allow your intuition to show through. Get out of your everyday routine, slow down, and try something new. Your intuition will be grateful.
Replay past events
Take a seat and attempt to recall a time when things didn’t go as planned, or as you desired. Imagine yourself in that circumstance again, and pay attention to any feelings or instances when you sensed something wasn’t quite right. Was it possible to take a different route? Did your inner voice raise its voice for a little moment before being silenced by your conscious mind? Try to analyze some of these instances and search for patterns, as well as strategies to improve your performance in the future. Examine the manner in which your intuition was attempting to lead you and the messages it was attempting to convey.
Breathework is, without a doubt, one of the most effective methods for quieting the mind and tuning in to your inner voice. To allow your intuition to shine through and bring your consciousness to the present, try the 4-7-8 approach.
- Begin by clearing your lungs of all air.
- Inhale deeply for 4 seconds via your nose.
- Take a deep breath and hold it for 7 seconds.
- For 8 seconds, slowly exhale through your mouth.
- Repeat the method four times more.
This 4-7-8 strategy will not only aid intuition, but it will also help to reduce stress and anxiety. Basically, if everyone practiced this easy approach once a day, the world would be a much better place!
Intuition is about less thinking, more feeling
Our rational brain thinks, while our intuitive brain feels. Our thoughts are constantly reasoning, questioning, and pondering throughout the day. We don’t even aware it’s happening after so many years. People would think we were insane if they could hear all of the questions that our cognitive brain is bouncing around with all day!
Slow down and pay attention to what you’re feeling. Feelings that are rooted in your physical body are also rooted in reality. These emotions will never be deceived. Learn to pay closer attention to them. Pay attention to the little cues our bodies provide us. Your heart is racing, you have a knot in the pit of your stomach, you are hot or chilly, or you get a tingling sensation. You’ve been in a situation where you meet someone and immediately sense something isn’t quite right about them. Your physical body can sense whether someone is lying to you or treating someone badly, and it will alarm you. You may prevent many uncomfortable, painful, or awkward situations if you paid greater attention to these physical indicators. This is your intuition trying to lead you in the proper route.
Practice “feeling” people before meeting them
This is a terrific method to put your intuition to the test and improve it. Place yourself in a position where you can watch someone before meeting them.
Imagine you’re in line at a coffee shop, and you’re trying to figure out who the person behind the counter is before you speak to or meet them. Take in as much information about them as you can simply by gazing at them and trusting your instincts. Try to imagine what they’ll look like, sound like, and whether or not they’ll be pleasant and sociable. You may use this to test your intuition in practically any situation. This is a practical and effective method for connecting with your senses, body, and inner voice.
Have Gratitude
In today’s world, it’s all too easy to focus on the unpleasant sides of life and overlook what we’ve been given. It’s something we all do! It’s all too easy to forget about our health, our families’ affection, food and water, our homes, and our communities. Every day, take a few moments to appreciate and give thanks for a few of the wonderful things we have in our lives. This simple exercise can help us tune in to a higher frequency, allowing more of life’s wonders to come our way.
- Gratitude strengthens bonds.
- Gratitude helps you sleep better.
- Gratitude is good for your physical wellness.
- Gratitude boosts your self-esteem.
- Gratitude increases empathy while lowering hostility.
- Gratitude is good for your mental health.
The advantages of thankfulness practice have been empirically demonstrated to be powerful, real tools. Consider how just a couple of those advantages could have a significant impact on our daily life.